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Keywords may be separated by AND and/or OR statements for greater control of the search results.

For example, Microsoft AND mouse would generate a result set that contain both words. However, for mouse OR keyboard, the result set returned would contain both or either words.

Exact matches can be searched for by enclosing keywords in double-quotes.

For example, "notebook computer" would generate a result set which match the exact string.

Brackets can be used for further control on the result set.

For example, Microsoft and (keyboard or mouse or "visual basic").

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Shipping flat rate on payment method Advanced Payment

Germany 7,00 EUR
EU 19,- EUR

Shippingcosts on payment method Receipt or Paypal

Germany: Depending on complexity, between 1,50 EUR and 7,00 EUR.
Note: On shop orders a software related flat price of 7,00 EUR will be calculated, which is will be adjusted by us to the the real cost.

EU: Depending on complexity, between 2,- EUR and 19,- EUR.
Note: On shop orders a software related flat price of 19,- EUR will be calculated, which is will be adjusted by us to the the real cost.